Release Date: 1997
"Umanari 1 Furlong Gekijou" is a unique and quirky video game released for the Sega Saturn console, primarily targeted at the Japanese market. This game stands out due to its unusual fusion of horse racing with comedic elements, creating an engaging and entertaining experience unlike the more traditional simulation-style racing games. Players dive into fast-paced mini-games, each lasting just about 200 meters, or one furlong, as suggested by the game's title. The gameplay involves a series of rapid and often humorous challenges that test players' reflexes and decision-making skills, with a primary focus on timing and strategy to win races.
The game was developed by Axes Art Amuse and released in 1997, at a time when the Sega Saturn was in fierce competition with Sony's PlayStation and Nintendo's consoles. "Umanari 1 Furlong Gekijou" didn't gain widespread popularity outside of Japan, partly due to its niche appeal and the limited global penetration of the Sega Saturn itself. However, among fans of Japanese games and those with an appreciation for the unconventional, it holds a special place. Its distinct blend of horse racing mechanics with a comedic overlay, engaging mini-game style, and fast-paced gameplay provided a fresh take on the racing genre, making "Umanari 1 Furlong Gekijou" a memorable title for the Sega Saturn's eclectic game library.
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Players: Single Player
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