Release Date: 1997
"The Lost Vikings 2: Norse by Norsewest," released for the Sega Saturn in 1997, is the engaging sequel to the original puzzle-platformer, "The Lost Vikings." Developed by Blizzard Entertainment, this game reunites players with the three quirky Norsemen—Erik the Swift, Baleog the Fierce, and Olaf the Stout—as they embark on a new time-traveling adventure. After being kidnapped by the alien emperor Tomator in the first game, the Viking trio has now escaped only to find themselves navigating through various periods of history and different worlds, each filled with challenging puzzles and formidable enemies. The game is noted for its improved graphics and animations, particularly with the Sega Saturn's capabilities enhancing the visual experience.
Gameplay in "The Lost Vikings 2: Norse by Norsewest" remains true to the mechanics that made the original game a success, focusing heavily on strategic puzzle solving that requires the unique abilities of each Viking to overcome obstacles. Erik can run and jump, Baleog can attack enemies with his weapons, and Olaf can block attacks and glide through the air with his shield. New to the sequel are additional characters, such as Fang the werewolf and Scorch the dragon, each adding more depth and versatility to puzzle-solving with their unique abilities. The game supports both single-player and cooperative multiplayer modes, where players can switch control between the Vikings to advance through levels. The humor and clever design, combined with the challenging puzzles and the addition of new characters, make "The Lost Vikings 2" a memorable and enjoyable experience on the Sega Saturn.
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