Release Date: 1998
"The King of Fighters '97" is a pivotal installment in the iconic fighting game series by SNK, made available for the Sega Saturn in 1998 following its original arcade release in 1997. This game continues the saga of the Orochi storyline, which reaches its climax in this edition, providing a deep narrative background that enhances the intense fighting mechanics the series is known for. Players choose from an expansive roster of characters, forming teams of three to compete in matches that test both strategy and skill. The game distinguishes itself with its team-based battle format and the introduction of two distinct playing styles: Advanced and Extra, which allow players to select battle mechanics based on their personal preferences, adding a layer of strategic depth to the gameplay.
"The King of Fighters '97" not only excels with its gameplay mechanics but also with its cultural impact and fan reception, marking it as a defining moment in fighting game history. The soundtrack and character designs resonate well with the late 90s arcade aesthetics, contributing to a vibrant game atmosphere. Its release on the Sega Saturn allowed enhanced graphics and smoother animations over the arcade version due to the console's hardware capabilities. The game's legacy continues to influence many fighting games that followed, and it retains a dedicated fanbase even decades after its release, celebrated for its compelling characters and dynamic fighting system. This title is a must-play for enthusiasts of the genre, encapsulating the essence of 90s fighting games while delivering a gripping competitive experience.
Players: Single Player
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