"Super Smash Bros." is a groundbreaking fighting game released for the Nintendo 64 in 1999, renowned for its innovative departure from traditional fighting games. Developed by HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo, this game brought a fresh approach by featuring a roster of characters from various Nintendo franchises, such as Mario, Link, Pikachu, and Kirby, pitting them against each other in dynamic multi-level stages. Unlike other fighters that focus on depleting an opponent's life bar, "Super Smash Bros." introduced a unique damage percentage system; the more damage a character accumulates, the farther they fly when hit, with the goal being to knock opponents off the stage.
The game supports up to four players in battle simultaneously, making it a favorite for party gaming and fostering a communal gaming experience. The control scheme is simple yet deep, allowing for both casual play and competitive strategies. Its success spawned a popular and enduring series, known for its crossover character selections and its celebration of Nintendo's history. "Super Smash Bros." not only initiated a storied franchise but also created a foundational framework for what would become one of the most cherished fighting game series in the history of video games, influencing the genre with its unique mechanics and broad appeal.
Players: Single Player
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