Release Date: 1995
"Super Bomberman 3," released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1995, is a strategic, maze-based video game developed by Hudson Soft. It is the third installment in the popular Bomberman series and was released primarily in Japan and Europe, following the significant success of its predecessors. The game distinguishes itself with the inclusion of new gameplay elements and multiplayer enhancements. Players control Bomberman in a quest to navigate through various levels, placing bombs to destroy obstacles and adversaries, with the ultimate goal of finding a hidden door under one of the destructible blocks to advance to the next level.
A significant addition in "Super Bomberman 3" is the introduction of the "Louie" creatures, kangaroo-like animals that Bomberman can ride, each offering unique abilities that add depth and strategy to the gameplay. For instance, some Louies can jump over bombs, while others can kick them, providing players with additional tactical options. The game supports up to five players simultaneously with the use of a multitap, expanding the multiplayer mayhem that the series is known for. This feature, combined with the new gameplay mechanics and comical, charming graphics, solidified "Super Bomberman 3" as a favorite for both competitive and cooperative play, making it a cherished installment for SNES enthusiasts and Bomberman fans alike.
Players: Single Player
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