Release Date: 1995
"Street Fighter: The Movie," released for the Sega Saturn in 1995, is an intriguing adaptation that brings the 1994 live-action film, featuring characters and scenarios based on the iconic Street Fighter II video game, into a digital arena. Unlike the original Street Fighter II that relied on animated sprites, this version uses digitized images of the film's actors—such as Jean-Claude Van Damme and Raul Julia—giving the game a visual presentation reminiscent of other digitized fighting games from the 90s like Mortal Kombat. Set in a variety of vividly rendered backdrops inspired by the movie’s sets, players engage in one-on-one combat trying to deplete their opponent’s health bar using a variety of punches, kicks, and special moves unique to each character.
Significantly, "Street Fighter: The Movie" for the Sega Saturn attempts to blend the more intense, combo-laden gameplay of "Super Street Fighter II Turbo" with the novel visual style of digitized graphics. The game incorporates the typical special moves and combos familiar to fans but also includes additional mechanics like interruption moves allowing players to break out of an opponent's attack, adding a strategic layer to the gameplay. Despite its attempts to innovate within the fighting genre and the Street Fighter series, the game received mixed reviews, mainly due to its deviation from the more traditional sprite-based animation and some perceived clunkiness in controls. Nevertheless, it holds a unique place in the Street Fighter anthology as an experimental offshoot that mirrors its cinematic counterpart.
Players: Single Player
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