Release Date: 1991
"Populous," developed by Bullfrog Productions and published by Electronic Arts, is a groundbreaking god game first released in 1989 before making its way to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1990. In the game, players assume the role of a deity wielding omnipotent powers, tasked with guiding and nurturing their followers to dominate against an opposing deity and their followers. The game is structured across a series of levels, each offering a unique landscape on which players must alter the terrain to expand their followers' territory, build structures, and ultimately engage in divine warfare. The ultimate goal of "Populous" on each level is to increase the number of worshippers and gain enough power to unleash natural disasters and other divine interventions against the enemy, leading followers to victory.
"Populous" is considered one of the first games in the god game genre, introducing innovative mechanics that involve indirect control over followers by influencing the environment rather than direct manipulation. Its arrival on the SNES allowed a broader audience to experience its unique strategic gameplay, employing the console’s control system to effectively manage and deploy powers and strategies. The game was critically acclaimed for its innovative game design and complex simulation aspects, leading to its status as a classic in video gaming history. Over the years, "Populous" has spawned several sequels and inspired numerous other games in the genre, securing its place as a pivotal title that demonstrated the potential depth and sophistication of real-time strategy and god games.
Players: Single Player
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