"Oink!" is a classic video game released for the Atari 2600 console, developed and published by Activision in 1983. The game is loosely based on the story of the "Three Little Pigs." Players take on the role of the three pigs, each tasked with defending their houses made of straw, sticks, and bricks from the Big Bad Wolf. The wolf attempts to blow down each house by exhaling puffs of air aimed at removing bricks from the walls of the house. Players must quickly rebuild the walls by positioning their pig at gaps where the wolf’s breath has removed bricks, essentially turning the game into a fast-paced battle against the wolf's relentless attacks.
The gameplay of "Oink!" is known for its simplicity and addictiveness. Each level increases in difficulty as the wolf's puffs become more frequent and the houses take more damage. The game features charming 8-bit graphics characteristic of the Atari 2600 era, with colorful animations and straightforward controls that make it accessible to players of all ages. Notably, "Oink!" was designed by David Crane, one of the co-founders of Activision and a prominent figure in the video gaming industry, who also created Pitfall!. The game's release was part of a wave of titles by Activision that helped establish the company as a major player in the gaming industry by offering innovative gameplay mechanics and enhancing the video game experience on the Atari 2600 platform.
Players: Single Player
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