Release Date: 1997
"Desire" is an intriguing visual novel adventure game that was released for the Sega Saturn in 1997, originally developed by C's Ware. The game's narrative digs deep into themes of human ambition and the ethical quandaries stemming from scientific exploration. Set in the near future on a remote island, the story revolves around an advanced research facility known as Desire, where top scientists work on secretive projects. Players delve into the perspective of Albert Macdgul, a reporter sent to investigate the mysterious research after a series of unexplained disappearances. As players navigate through complex dialogues and scenarios, they uncover dark secrets and conspiracies intertwining the fate of the characters with the ominous research being conducted at the facility.
Gameplay in "Desire" is characteristic of visual novel games of the era, focusing heavily on point-and-click mechanics where players select dialogue choices and actions to advance the story. The Sega Saturn version is notable for its rich, animated graphics and the use of voice acting to deepen the immersion, a technical feat not commonly exploited to such extent in visual novels at the time. Due to its nuanced plot and atmospheric storytelling, "Desire" gained a reputation among niche audiences for its compelling narrative and ethical provocations. Although not widely popular in the mainstream, the game has been appreciated in visual novel circles and retro gaming communities for its pioneering role in enhancing narrative depth and emotional engagement in video games.
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