Release Date: 1996
"Densetsu no Ogre Battle," known in English as "Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen," stands as a compelling strategy RPG that made its mark on the Sega Saturn among other platforms. Originally developed by Quest Corporation and led by Yasumi Matsuno, this title is the first installment in the acclaimed Ogre Battle series, which later evolved into the popular "Tactics Ogre" and "Final Fantasy Tactics" games. In this intricate fantasy game, players are thrust into a richly woven narrative set in the continent of Zetegenia. You assume the role of a charismatic leader whose goal is to marshal an array of troops—ranging from knights and wizards to dragons and undead—across a series of tactical battles in an effort to overthrow an oppressive empire and achieve liberation for the kingdom.
The game play of "Ogre Battle" combines real-time tactics with strategic elements, allowing players to manage troops across vast battlefields while making critical decisions that influence the storyline and its multiple endings. Unique for its time, the game introduced the "Alignment System," which adjusts based on the moral decisions and combat actions of the player, affecting not only the narrative arc but also the types and behaviors of units recruitable into the player's army. Additionally, the "Tarot Card" system offers a novel mechanic where cards collected during battles can be used to grant various effects, ranging from healing allies to damaging all foes on screen. These innovative features, coupled with its detailed pixel art and sweeping musical scores, secured "Densetsu no Ogre Battle" as a cult classic in the strategy RPG genre, admired for its depth and complexity in both story and mechanics.
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