"Codebreaker" is an intriguing puzzle game released for the Atari 2600/VCS, developed and published by Atari, Inc. in 1978. In this brain-teasing game, players are challenged to crack a secret code consisting of a sequence of colored pegs. The game offers different modes, where the complexity increases from simple two-color codes to more challenging versions involving more colors and longer sequences. The player's task is to guess the sequence within a limited number of attempts, using logic and deduction based on feedback from each guess, which indicates how many pegs are correct in both color and position or just color.
The gameplay of "Codebreaker" is primarily single-player, although it includes modes that allow two players to challenge each other. One player sets the code, and the other tries to break it, adding a competitive element to the game. It utilizes the Atari 2600's keypad controller, a unique aspect considering the joystick was the more common input device for most Atari games. "Codebreaker," along with "Hunt & Score" and "Memory Match," was part of a trio of games that came on the same game cartridge, offering a variety of puzzle and memory games that targeted more mentally stimulating gameplay as opposed to the action-packed titles commonly found on the console. This emphasis on mental challenge was somewhat unique for the era, making "Codebreaker" stand out as a distinctive and educational option for the then-popular gaming system.
Players: Single Player
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